
Here you can download the main databases generated by MALUCA in order to be re-graphed, compared or integrated with other datasets. Please quote citation when using this information.

Proof of Concept for a new sensor to monitor litter from space

Cózar, Arias et al. (Nature Communications, 2024)

Source data file

Information associated with each of the LW detections obtained for the Mediterranean Sea: location, date, size and distance to land.
File format: xlsx
Citation: Cózar et al., 2024

Floating litter leaked from Europe into the ocean

González-Fernández et al. (Nature Sustainability, 2021)

Top 20 riverine floating macrolitter items and materials in European rivers

File format: xlsx
Citation: González-Fernández et al., 2021

Description: Figure 1

Distribution of Floating Macrolitter Loading per country, ocean region and drainage basin size ranges

File format: xlsx
Citation: González-Fernández et al., 2021

Description: Figure 5

Spatial distribution of Floating Macrolitter Loading from Europe to the ocean

File format: shp
Citation: González-Fernández et al., 2021

Description: Figure 4

An inshore offshore sorting system revealed from global classification of ocean litter

Morales-Caselles et al. (Nature Sustainability, 2021)

Material and probable origin of the litter found in the seven major aquatic environments at global scale

Project(s): MIDAS & PLAn & PLASTREND
File format: xlsx
Citation: Morales-Caselles et al., 2021

Description: Figure 1 

Top 10 litter items in aquatic environments

Project(s): MIDAS & PLAn & PLASTREND
File format: xlsx
Citation: Morales-Caselles et al., 2021

Description: Figure 2 

Macro-litter densities in aquatic ecosystems

Project(s): MIDAS & PLAn & PLASTREND
File format: xlsx
Citation: Morales-Caselles et al., 2021

Description: Figure 5 

Top 10 litter items in the nearshore seafloor of the seven large world socioeconomic regions

Project(s): MIDAS & PLAn & PLASTREND
File format: xlsx
Citation: Morales-Caselles et al., 2021

Description: Figure 6 

Top 10 litter items globally

Project(s): MIDAS & PLAn & PLASTREND
File format: xlsx
Citation: Morales-Caselles et al., 2021

Description: Supplementary Figure 3

Previous research 

Plastic concentrations in Tara Arctic 2013

Project(s): Tara Expeditions & Pakea Bizkaia
File format: xlsx
Citation: Cozar, A, E Martí, CM Duarte, J García-de-Lomas, E Van Sebille, TJ Ballatore, VM Eguíluz, JI González-Gordillo, ML Pedrotti, F Echevarría, R Troublè, X Irigoien, 2017. The Arctic Ocean as a dead end for floating plastics in the North Atlantic branch of the Thermohaline Circulation. Science Advances 3 (4), e1600582

Description: Concentrations of floating plastic debris measured with surface-trawling plankton net in TARA Arctic 2013 on board the French R/V Tara. Data supported Figure 1 in Cozar et al. (2017). For more information, see original paper here.

Size distribution of floating plastic debris in Tara Arctic 2013

Project(s): Tara Expeditions & Pakea Bizkaia
File format: xlsx
Citation: Cozar, A, E Martí, CM Duarte, J García-de-Lomas, E Van Sebille, TJ Ballatore, VM Eguíluz, JI González-Gordillo, ML Pedrotti, F Echevarría, R Troublè, X Irigoien, 2017. The Arctic Ocean as a dead end for floating plastics in the North Atlantic branch of the Thermohaline Circulation. Science Advances 3 (4), e1600582
Description: Size distribution of floating plastic debris collected with surface-trawling plankton in Tara Arctic 2013. Data supported Figure 2 in Cozar et al. (2017). For more information, see original paper.

Plastic concentrations in MEDSEA 2013, Mediterranean basin

Project(s): Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a Changing Climate (MedSeA) (URI:
File format: xlsx
Citation: Cozar, A, M Sanz-Martin, E Marti, JI Gonzalez-Gordillo, B Ubeda, JA Galvez, X Irigoien, CM Duarte (2015). Plastic Accumulation in the Mediterranean Sea. PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0121762,
Description: Concentrations of floating plastic debris measured with surface trawling plankton net across the Mediterranean Sea in 2013 on board the Spanish R/V Angeles Alvarino. Data supported figure 2 in Cozar et al. (2015). For more information, see original paper.

Size distribution of floating plastic debris in MEDSEA 2013, Mediterranean basin

Project(s): Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a Changing Climate (MedSeA) (URI:
File format: xlsx
Citation: Cozar, A, M Sanz-Martin, E Marti, JI Gonzalez-Gordillo, B Ubeda, JA Galvez, X Irigoien, CM Duarte (2015). Plastic Accumulation in the Mediterranean Sea. PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0121762,
Description: Size distribution of floating plastic debris collected with surface trawling plankton net across the Mediterranean Sea in 2013 on board the Spanish R/V Angeles Alvarino. Data supported figure 1 in Cozar et al. (2015). For more information, see original paper.

Plastic concentrations in Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation

Project(s): Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation
File format: xlsx
Citation: Cozar, A, F Echevarría, JI González-Gordillo, X Irigoien, B Úbeda, S Hernández-León, AT Palma, S Navarro, J García-de-Lomas, A Ruiz, ML Fernández-de-Puelles, CM Duarte. 2014. Plastic debris in the open ocean. PNAS 111(28): 10239-10244.
Description: Concentrations of floating plastic debris measured with surface trawling plankton net in Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation. Data supported Cozar et al. (2014). For more information, see original paper.

Size distribution of floating plastic debris in Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation

Project(s): Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation
File format: xlsx
Citation: Cozar, A, F Echevarría, JI González-Gordillo, X Irigoien, B Úbeda, S Hernández-León, AT Palma, S Navarro, J García-de-Lomas, A Ruiz, ML Fernández-de-Puelles, CM Duarte. 2014. Plastic debris in the open ocean. PNAS 111(28): 10239-10244.
Description: Size distribution of floating plastic debris collected with surface trawling plankton net across the Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation. Data supported Figure S10 in Cozar et al. (2014). For more information, see original paper.